Class A shared communication services sector strengthened in the afternoon, China Unicom closed the board limit, Mengwang technology, data port previously limit, Runjian shares, Aofei data, bee assistant and so on up.
Class A shared communication service plate concussion upward, data port sealing plate limit, Aofei data rose more than 7%, in the rich rose more than 6%, copper bull information, * ST Tongmai, city Xiangjiang, shellfish communications and so on up.
Class A shared medical service plate bidding is active, digital people open 30CM limit, Lanwei medical open 20CM limit, Berry gene, Xiangsheng medical, Langma information, Saili medical, Wanda information and so on are significantly higher.
Class A shares of oil and gas exploration services plate rose, quasi-oil shares rose more than 7%, Tongyuan oil, ST Xinchao, Renzhi shares, Zhongman oil, Becken energy and so on rose.